Ternyata, rakyat Malaysia pun sangat memuja mantan Presiden Soeharto. Hal itu terlihat dari penamaan sebuah desa di sana yang disebut dengan Kampong Soeharto. Pun demikian dengan mesjid, dengan keberadaan Mesjid Soeharto. Selain itu, ada Rumah Sakit Soeharto dan Sekolah Kebangsaan Soeharto.
Begitulah sambutan yang disampaikan Mantan Menteri Penerangan Malaysia Tun Sri Zainudin Mahidin yang mewakili mantan PM Malaysia Mahathir Muhammad, dalam acara mengenang 90 tahun HM Soeharto, Rabu (8/6) di Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta.
Zainudin mengatakan, Malaysia memiliki utang budi kepada Soeharto lantaran Soeharto pernah membantu Malaysia mengakhiri beberapa konflik di Negeri Jiran itu. Kendati Mahathir dan Soeharto tak terlihat akrab, tapi dalam ta'ziah-nya, Mahathir membela Soeharto dari tuduhan orang-orang yang telah melupakan jasa-jasanya.
Ia juga mengaku, ketika masih bekerja sebagai wartawan, sosok Soeharto dinilai berwibawa, baik sebagai tentara maupun sebagai diplomat. Karena itulah, kata Zainudin, nama Soeharto telah terpatri di hati masyarakat Malaysia.
Sumber : Vivanews.com
Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011
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TROPY ADIPURA-ADIWIYATA DIARAK KELILING KOTA, Dimeriahkan Bleganjur dan Penyerahan Bingkisan
Thursday, 09 June 2011 02:49 administrator
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Kegembiraan menyambut kedatangan Tropy Adipura dan Tropy Adiwiyata yang berhasil diraih Karangasem, di Lapangan Tanah Aron Amlapura (8-6-2011), diwarnai pengarakan Tropy keliling Kota diatas kendaran hias diiringi Blegannjur. Saat tiba di tempat penyambutan Lapangan Tanah Aron, tropy dijemput Hanoman penampilan Hanuman Duta menarikan Tropy Adipura sebelum diserahkan oleh Bupati Karangasem I Wayan Geredeg, SH kepada Kadis DKP Drs. I Made Suama, SH, sedangkan Tropy Adiwiyata diserahkan kepada Kepala SD I Selumbung I Ketut Martana, S.Pd.
Bupati Karangasem I Wayan Gederedeg, SH mengatakan, Kota Amlapura berhasil meraih Tropy Adipura disaat ketatnya penilaian Lomba Adipura yang dilakukan pemerintah pusat, jauh berbeda dari sebelumnya. Namun untuk Tropy Adiwiyata meningkas statusnya dari Calon Adiwiyata menjadi Adiwiyata. Bupati Geredeg, menyatakan rasa terima kasih yang mendalam kepada jajaran Dinas Kebersihan dan Pertamanan, jajaran Badan Lingkungan Hidup, seluruh Pasukan Kuning serta jajaran Dinas Pendidikan, Camat Manggis yang telah menyiapkan SD No I Selumbung Kecamatan Manggis secara maksimal dan seluruh lapisan masyarakat Karangasem yang telah member kepedulian terhadap upaya membangun lingkungan hidup.
Kedepan persiapan menghadapi penilaian dapat dilakukan lebih keras lagi karena persaingan antar Kabupaten akan makin ketat. Khusus kepada petugas pelayanan kebersihan diharapkan agar terus bekerja keras bersama tanpa mengenal lelah, tetap menunaikan tugasnya memberikan pelayanan kebersihan menjaga kelestarian dan kenyamanan Kota Amlapura. Untuk mengatasi skor angka hasil penilaian yang masih rendah Bupati meminta agar diprifikasi kembali sehingga diketahui kelemahan pada bidang masing-masing, untuk selanjutnya bisa ditingkatkan lebih baik dan tetap tidak sombong setelah memperoleh penghargan beruntun tingkat nasional.
Dikatakan, penghargaan yang diraih tidak diperoleh begitu saja, tetapi penuh dengan kerja keras atas dukungan masyarakat baik di jalan, sekolah maupun kantor. Tahun ini banyak Kabupaten yang melorot nilainya namun Karangasem tetap mampu meningkatkan nilainya menuju Kota Amlapura yang bersih sehat tertib dan indah (Bersehati). Terkait dengan itu, pencapaian prestasi kebersihan akan menjadi pendukung utama pengembanagan kepariwisataan yang menjadi ikon pembangunan Karangasem.
Usai apel dilaksanakan penyerahan secara simbolis bingkisan kepada petugas kebersihan serta dimeriahkan dengan hiburan topeng bondres dan hiburan musik.
Karangasem is a regency (kabupaten) of Bali, Indonesia. It covers the east part of Bali, has an area of 839.54 km2 and a population of 369,320 (2002). Its regency seat is Amlapura. Karangasem was devastated when Mount Agung erupted in 1963, ultimately killing 1900 people. Karangasem formerly was a kingdom before Bali was conquered by the Dutch.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karangasem)
LOOk THIS!!!!!!!!!
Mother Temple of Besakih, or Pura Besakih, in the village of Besakih on the slopes of Mount Agung in eastern Bali, is the most important temple of Agama Hindu Dharma in Bali, Indonesia and one of a series of Balinese temples.
The temple probably dates to the fourteenth century. It was built on the south slopes of Mount Agung, the principal volcano of Bali. The temple is actually a complex made up of twenty-two temples that sit on parallel ridges. It has stepped terraces and flights of stairs which ascend to a number of courtyards and brick gateways that lead up to the main spire Meru structure, which is called Pura Penataran Agung. All this is aligned along a single axis and designed to lead the spiritual upward and closer to the mountain which is considered sacred.
The symbolic center or main sanctuary of the complex is the Pura Penataran Agungand and the lotus throne or padmasana is the symbolic center of the main sanctuary and ritual focus of the entire complex. It dates to around the seventeenth century.
A series of eruptions of Mount Agung in 1963, which killed approximately 1,700 people also threatened Puru Besakih. The lava flows missed the temple complex by mere yards. The saving of the temple is regarded by the Balinese people as miraculous, and a signal from the gods that they wished to demonstrate their power but not destroy the monument the Balinese faithful had erected.
Annually there are at least seventy festivals held at the complex each year since there is a yearly anniversary celebrating almost every shrine. This yearly cycle is based on the 210-day Balinese wuku calendar system.
It had been nominated as a World Heritage Site as early as 1995, but remains unvested.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Besakih)
LOOk THIS!!!!!!!!!
Mother Temple of Besakih, or Pura Besakih, in the village of Besakih on the slopes of Mount Agung in eastern Bali, is the most important temple of Agama Hindu Dharma in Bali, Indonesia and one of a series of Balinese temples.
The temple probably dates to the fourteenth century. It was built on the south slopes of Mount Agung, the principal volcano of Bali. The temple is actually a complex made up of twenty-two temples that sit on parallel ridges. It has stepped terraces and flights of stairs which ascend to a number of courtyards and brick gateways that lead up to the main spire Meru structure, which is called Pura Penataran Agung. All this is aligned along a single axis and designed to lead the spiritual upward and closer to the mountain which is considered sacred.
The symbolic center or main sanctuary of the complex is the Pura Penataran Agungand and the lotus throne or padmasana is the symbolic center of the main sanctuary and ritual focus of the entire complex. It dates to around the seventeenth century.
A series of eruptions of Mount Agung in 1963, which killed approximately 1,700 people also threatened Puru Besakih. The lava flows missed the temple complex by mere yards. The saving of the temple is regarded by the Balinese people as miraculous, and a signal from the gods that they wished to demonstrate their power but not destroy the monument the Balinese faithful had erected.
Annually there are at least seventy festivals held at the complex each year since there is a yearly anniversary celebrating almost every shrine. This yearly cycle is based on the 210-day Balinese wuku calendar system.
It had been nominated as a World Heritage Site as early as 1995, but remains unvested.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Besakih)
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